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Warsaw Mokotow

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History of appearance

In ancient times, many years before the discovery of the Internet, antibiotics and cars, our ancestors treated and strengthened their health with the help of folk medicine. 

At the same time, centuries ago, the first “prototype” of the modern phyto bochka appeared – wooden writings were placed on stones heated on the fire. In some cases, the stones themselves were filled with herbal decoctions. Or – as in Transcarpathia – the heated stones were thrown into a barrel full of herbs.

What’s the big deal?

Sauna – 96°C, humidity – 10%
Bath – 70°C, humidity – 70%
Phyto barrel – 45°C, humidity – 100%

Despite their long history, modern phyto bochki have only been around for about 50 years. But they are already catching up with baths and saunas in terms of popularity. What is the secret? The answer is a combination of benefits.

The first, and perhaps most important, is the comfort of the experience. Steaming in a barrel is much easier to tolerate than a session in a full steam room. The head is “in the air” and only the body is exposed to high temperatures. It is therefore considered to be gentle on the cardiovascular system. 

There is no additional discomfort. When using the phyto bochka it is not necessary to wear a felt hat to protect the hair and head, the air does not contain a large amount of steam, which makes it easy to breathe, the heating itself is even – and therefore the procedure does not cause unnecessary stress to the body.

The duration of the procedure is also a plus for many. You only need one session of up to 15 minutes. Professionals also say that it is best to focus on your own wellbeing, rather than the hours. When you feel you’ve had enough, it’s time to get out. 

And what does science say?

It cannot be said that there have been so many studies on the effect of phyto bochka on the body. However, this procedure cannot be called evidence-free. Here, for 

Major contraindications:
– Oncology;
– Severe cardiac pathologies;
– Tuberculosis;
– Cirrhosis of the liver;- Pregnancy;
– Thrombophlebitis and thrombosis;
– eczema;
– certain diseases of the gynaecological system;
– serious disorders of the nervous system;
– allergy to herbs.

example, is the effect observed in the study of a group of people suffering from problems with blood pressure (both high and low):

Blood pressure and pulse readings were very similar in 95% of subjects – pulse rate and blood pressure increased first. Heart rate increased by 90-110 beats per minute and blood pressure by 15-20 mm of mercury. This was found to be a normal human reaction to the sudden removal of moisture from the body. However! The most interesting thing happened when the indicators were measured again 20 minutes after the procedure. Both pulse and blood pressure returned to normal. In addition, in hypertensive people, the pressure decreased by 10-15 mm and in hypotensive people, it increased! (in relation to the measurements taken BEFORE the procedure!)

The influence of the phyto bochka on the massage was studied separately. According to 84% of the guests and 91% of the masseurs, the effectiveness of the massage with the same specialist (without the barrel and immediately after the barrel) is significantly higher. The researchers claim a 50-70% increase in effectiveness.

In addition, 96% of subjects reported an improvement in their general wellbeing, activity and mood after the procedure. Scientists attribute this effect not only to the fact that the body relaxes, but also to the influence of the phytotherapeutic microclimate inside the tub. In fact, the steam for the Phytobox is necessarily enriched with dried herbs or herbal infusions.

What do independent experts say?  (our guests can undoubtedly be considered experts – IvRoxe note)

On a regular basis, several groups of scientists and heat treatment enthusiasts perform various measurements to determine how a person feels after taking a Phytobox.  At IvRoxe we decided to conduct a survey among our guests. So, what are the answers of our clients to the question “Why did you sign up for phytotherapy and what effect do you expect or have already received?”

1.     “My husband loves all kinds of baths and I easily catch colds and all kinds of ARVI. On the advice of a friend, I decided to take a course with my husband. We bought a season ticket for 5 treatments each. And went once a week in early autumn. Prepared for the winter, so to speak, the results are great – throughout the autumn and winter I was much less ill! Only 2 times, to be precise! This is an unbelievable result for me! And today we just came because we like it”- Family couple, – guests of “IvRoxe Warszawa Mokotów”.

2.     “To be honest, I don’t come here very often. I take a massage course twice a year and that’s it. And I only go to the Phytobatchka when I feel that I am worried about a long-term back injury. If I react quickly, one session is enough and I can do without strong painkillers. This time, unfortunately, I procrastinated and had to make an appointment for 3 sessions. But I know for sure that it will help!”-  A regular client of IvRoxe Wroclaw

3.     “Oh, my trainer directed me))) He said that I was constantly missing training because of DOMS)))) I did not tell him that I was just lazy, but I signed up for a barrel. Took it along with a sports massage. It’s cool, I liked it. By the way,  DOMS really went away)))”) – The guest visited IvRoxe Wrocław Łódź for the first time (“the point is that hot air raises the body temperature, which contributes to the fastest possible elimination of lactic acid and pain relief” – comment of the senior masseur “IvRoxe Warszawa Wola”).

4.     “I am a person with a medical education, so I respect heat procedures very much. Under the influence of high temperatures, capillaries dilate and blood flow accelerates. That is why my visits are not for pleasure, although it is undoubtedly there, but the main thing is that I prevent arrhythmia, atherosclerosis and hypertension”- Regular guest of “IvRoxe Kraków”.

5.     “Honestly, we don’t expect any effects, we just go for fun and for dates. Instead of restaurants! I love massages, I’ll get my boyfriend involved too))) but the barrel is a thrill”-  Guests of “IvRoxeGdańsk”.

6.     “I am doing an anti-cellulite course and I take a few sessions in the middle of the course to drain the water. Judging by my jeans – it works))”-  Regular guest of “IvRoxe Warszawa Wola”

Fitobochka is the best choice for your health. Tested by years, scientists, clients, doctors, patients, masseurs, children, parents, allergy sufferers, motorcyclists, Beatles fans, vegetarians, phytonians, bearded men, skaters, financiers, economists and cat lovers. It’s all tried and tested, pretty much. What about you? 

We look forward to seeing you every day from 9:00 to 9:00. 

                                                                      *Yes, we’re open on Sundays too.

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